BOOK REVIEW: Inside Out and Back Again

Author Thanhha Lai
Review by Bethany J., 4th Grade
Recommended for 3rd-5th Grade

Ten year old Há, the youngest of four, is always in the shadow of her three older brothers. That is, until trace of the Vietnam war comes to her small town in Saigon. Her family is forced to move to a seemingly endless land, California. They have to take a ship. During the time on the ship, times are very rough. There is a lack of water, and Há will soon learn that you can be brave even without fighting. When they finally get a sponsor to Alabama, Há and her brothers must start school again. Not surprisingly, Há is the only asian girl in the class. People tease and point at her. Há is humiliated. This continues on, and then Há finds a friend. She also finds that complaining, yelling, or screaming won’t really help with problems in life. She soon learns to adapt, and, then, every thing (Almost!) is back to the way it should be. A happy family, good friends, kind people, some bullies, and everything else. Há is very happy. Read the book if you love my summery!!!

Published by Shiri Weinstein

Former experiential marketer turned mommy stylist. Part fairy godmother, part party planner, part image consultant, part home decorator/organizer, part cheerleader. Full time mom.