BOOK REVIEW: The Super Side-Quest Test! (#6 from the Press Start! Series)

Author Thomas Flintham
Review by Ronan S., 1st Grade Student
Recommended for 1st-3rd Grade

This book takes place inside of a video game. That’s what I like about it! Super Rabbit Boy sees King Viking taking over Animal Town again and has an epic adventure. He needs gold coins to get the mega wand to defeat King Viking! Rabbit Boy keeps saying “Boing! Boing! Here I go!” Do you think Super Rabbit Boy won or lost against the Mega Giant Super Robot? This is a very good book, and I read it four times. I recommend it.

Published by Shiri Weinstein

Former experiential marketer turned mommy stylist. Part fairy godmother, part party planner, part image consultant, part home decorator/organizer, part cheerleader. Full time mom.